Cranberry containing supplements are usually marketed with health claims such as “to maintain a healthy bladder,” “helps keep the urinary tract healthy,” or “can reduce the adherence of pathogens in the bladder.”

The manufacturers make use of a trick: they add vitamins (for example, vitamin C or vitamin B6) or minerals (such as zinc, selenium) to the products, for which there are similar permissible health claims. The rejected claims for cranberry or cranberry extracts concern not only general but also specific statements on bladder health, for example, promise an antibacterial effect in bladder infections. Therefore, all advertising promises are extremely critical.

Cranberry extracts have been used for urinary tract problems and to prevent its infections. It also removes toxins from the body and supports the liver to function well. Drinking cranberry juice or having cranberry tablets has long been regarded as tonic for the urinary tract and helpful in the prevention of bladder infections.

Cranberries and juice contain oxalates. A compound that is common in kidney stones. For people who are prone to kidney stones, a regular consumption is therefore not recommended.

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